Friday 27 May 2011

Thanks everyone for a great day!

Temenos Programme Meeting 27/05/11

On the train back to Edinburgh and thinking about a full and productive day at Temenos!

Started the day by meeting with Steve Paul our external moderator and Anne Worthington our link tutor from Middlesex University to update on progress of students through the BSc and MSc programme. And great news for 2 students who have been awarded their academic qualification from Middlesex University!

We then spent the afternoon with the student reps from each of the courses and received feedback from each of the student groups and input on organisational developments including course development, website design and the Temenos 2011 Conference.

Is such a lovely experience to be working with such dedicated and passionate people who are so generous with their time and expertise, I feel like we have come away from the meetings with a richness of ideas and support that will help fuel the organisation and it's development.

Thanks everyone for a great day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday 12 May 2011

Wider applications of the person centred approach

I am travelling down to Sheffield on what started off as a very rainy afternoon!

We have a meeting at Temenos this evening to discuss an emerging thread in our training programme, the wider applications of the person centred approach. Up till now training in Temenos has been focused on therapy, practitioner and post graduate training.

This emerging thread speaks to the belief that the person approach is a way of being, an attitude toward life and relationships that is relevant in every aspect of our existence. That we are used to thinking about this way of being in relation to therapy and psychological distress, and it is helpful in many other aspects of our personal and professional lives.

With this in mind we are hoping to run a series of workshops that may develop into an ongoing training in the wider applications of the person centred approach.

We have already scheduled workshops on education and leadership and will soon be releasing details of workshops on coaching and mediation.

Max Hope will be presenting at the upcoming Temenos conference about her thinking and passion around the wider applications of the person centred approach, you can come to Sheffield or view the presentations live online, a good opportunity to get a sense of where we are heading with this exciting development.

You can get more information on the conference and the workshops by clicking here.

The sun has finally come out and feeling like I am starting to dry out, hope to meet with you at the conference, either at the venue in Sheffield or online in the chat room.

John Wilson

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday 30 January 2011

Temenos welcomes a new cohort of students

A new cohort of students are starting with Temenos this weekend, and we feel privileged to offer them a very warm welcome!

We are in the midst of great change as an organisation and as an industry, the economy is still going through great struggles, so starting with a new cohort of students feels like a great achievement!

We are passionate about the learning environment, the inevitability of change within it and the solid grounding it offers for professional practice. How wonderful that others in the world have a sense of that potential and have chosen to spend some of their journey with us!

The warmest of welcomes!

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Media information: For immediate release

With image

November 2010

Therapist training could save businesses billions

Businesses across the region could save billions of pounds by training staff as psychotherapists, claims a Sheffield counselling expert.

Figures recently released by mental health charity MIND showed that stress has forced one in five workers to call in sick, while the majority of employees feel their bosses are not doing enough to look after the wellbeing of staff.

Sheffield based Temenos is offering the chance for people to enlist on their three-year Counsellor and Psychotherapist training, which begins in January 2011, where they can ultimately receive an accredited diploma qualification.

The training would provide staff with the skills to manage employees and help them overcome any problems, such as stress or depression. It will also be of use to anyone wanting a career change.

Temenos’ course runs for just three days – Saturday, Sunday and Monday - each month. Students will initially need to enrol in the one-year foundation course where they will receive an introduction and a basic outline of the skills of a therapist before having the option to continue for a further two years to gain the diploma.

Temenos, located on Westbourne Road, Broomhill, is the only company in Sheffield to offer the three-year person-centred counsellor and psychotherapist training package.

Keemer Keemar from Temenos is a qualified therapist who will run the training course. He said: “The foundation course will be ideal for someone within a company wanting the skills to help employees with the aim of reducing the amount of sick days at their organisation.

“Businesses are losing an estimated £8.4bn through sick days caused by poor mental wellbeing. As the course runs for three days a month, with two of them over a weekend, it will take a little amount of time out of someone’s working week.

“Alternatively, more than 500,000 people are likely to be made redundant in the public sector over the next few years and this training offers an opportunity for someone wanting to learn a new skill to gain employment in a new career.

“Our training aims to develop critical skills and practice, and to provide the necessary qualification for students to become reflective practitioners in a variety of settings. It will enable them to meet the training requirements for applying for individual accreditation with the British Association for Counseling and Psychotherapy.”

The tuition fee to enrol on the training is £1,850 a year and places are limited to 15 people per course.

For more information about the training visit or call 0114 258 0058.


Pictured: Keemer Keemar from Temenos.

Released on behalf of Temonos by HR Media Ltd. For more information contact Steve Hutton at HR Media on 0114 252 7771 or email Alternatively, visit

Location:Temenos - Press Release

Sunday 31 October 2010

Friday at Temenos

Spent the day in Temenos thinking about the challenge of recruitment in a recession and what we stand for as an organisation.

Gets me thinking about the counselling world and what motivates to be in this industry and what I am looking for Temenos to be, what environment I want us to aspire to.

And I keep coming back to my desire for there to be space in the world to be free, and to grow in relationship and to learn in a way that both challenges and inspires me ...

Much profound thinking going on!

And as I am writing this I am realising I haven't been keeping the blog up to date, there has been so much going on over the summer, not least of which has been moving premises! If you get a chance please take a peek at our new ‘Temenos Location’ page on the website, you can see pictures of the training room, library and kitchen. So important to know where the kettle is :)

The Counselling Studies students are back after the summer with Clare Raido and we have also begun our Post Graduate Supervision course led by Colin Lago. We will be starting the Foundation year in January and are getting the word out as best as we can about our introductory days. If you know anyone who might be interested in training with us please point them to our website!

There has also been exciting developments in our CPD programme, Colin Lago and David Rose have agreed to come to Livingston to deliver their workshop ‘Mistakes’ in Psychotherapy and the evening before will offer a lecture/discussion that will also be available to watch live online via the website. In just a week 50 people have signed up for this online experience, we are really excited about the possibilities opening up to us here! If you haven’t seen the details of these events please visit our new “Workshops at Temenos" page.

In preparation for the event Colin and David participated in an interview about their experience in the field that has led to this workshop, if you get the time to watch the interview I am sure that you will enjoy what they have to say about ‘Mistakes’ and just how much fun they have working together.

There is more news that we hope to be able to share with you shortly, and will keep everyone posted with our shiny new mailing list host, if you aren’t on our mailing list and would like to be, please use this link.

Warm wishes


Friday 30 July 2010

Temenos on the move!

Hi Everyone

The office at 289 Abbeydale Road will be closing it's doors for the last time today as we will be packing up ready to move over the weekend.

289 Abbeydale Road will still be our postal address until the 16th of August when our new premises will be open at:

The Garden Flat
Devonshire Villas
55 Westbourne Road
S10 2QT

We will be forwarding mail from 289 Abbeydale Road, so don't worry about anything you send us as it will get to our new address one way or another. The Temenos phone number will stay the same and we are available for phone enquiries up till Friday 6th August, we will then close for our summer break between 9th and the 13th of August.

We will be arranging an open day for everyone to pop in and be welcomed in our new location, more news about that soon!

Thanks to everyone for your support of Temenos over the years and we hope that you will continue to enjoy your contact with Temenos in our new home!

Warmest wishes

Keemar Keemar & John Wilson
Management Group Temenos